I want to wish all of you, my readers and friends, a happy Thanksgiving from my mother and I to you and your family!
I'm spending the day with my mother who is in the hospital. She's slept off and on most of the day. I brought the computer for her to play on while I designed some jewelry.
I cooked mac n cheese, a turkey/dressing combo, and some gravy a
nd brought it over. The hospital staff were kind to keep it in their fridge and heat it up for us...wow can I cook!!! Mom actually ate until she got full before her throat started hurting. She has Thrush--which is a funky fungus like Athlete's foot of the throat and has to use Magic Mouthwash with Lydocain to numb her throat so she can eat.
While Mom played and slept, I designed a few pieces and listed them on Etsy. 40% of all sales will be split between Art4TheHomeless and The Homeless Project.
Funky Peridot and Shell Earrings

Ruby in Zoisite pendant wrapped in copper

Colorful Dreams Gemstone earrings from the top: Onyx, Carnelian, Amazonite, Rose Quartz, Citrine, and Carved Cinnabar

Double Terminated Crystal Quartz wrapped in Copper Earrings