Cinnabar assists the spiritual alchemist, stimulating psychic transformation and manifestation of spiritual energy. Cinnabar enhances spiritual perception, and facilitates development of shape shifting abilities. Cinnabar helps to release unacknowledged negative emotions.Carved Cinnabar and Copper Swirls Earrings Set Cinnabar has associations with metal magic, spiritual alchemy and merchant alchemy. Cinnabar is said to have been used to attract abundance in wealth and support altruistic businesses.
Cinnabar also attracts prosperity and wealth.
Do you want these earrings? They are not for sale, but there is a way to get them.
I ask that you make a donation to Art4TheHomeless.
Art4TheHomeless unites artists of all venues to promote homeless awareness in the USA where the average age of a homeless American is 9 years old.
Art4TH is setting up its 501c3 Nonprofit status and the money you donate--any amount--will go to Art4TH.
The person who donates the most, of course, will get the earrings.
To Donate:
We are accepting two forms of payment. One is a check made out to Art4theHomeless. You can send the check to
c/o Johnna Crider
140 Pine Street NE #323
Atlanta, GA 30308
The other is a Credit/Debit Donation through WePay.
We chose We Pay because not only is it safe and secure but PayPal will not let us collect the donations with out proof of being a 501c3 Nonprofit--which we are trying to be but it takes money to do so.

If you donate either way, please post a comment with your donation amount and whether you are donating by check or card. Also, the earrings will not be sent until the donation process is complete.
This promotion for Art4TH Donation and Free earrings expires on 8/12/10