Jewelry and art by Dame Johnna Crider, Founder of Art4TheHomeless. Be sure to have your volume on to hear the music!
For about three years I have been working on this story--a novel and last night I finally finished the first draft. I would love some opinions and am giving away ebooks of Awakening. Any advice and constructive criticism is welcome. Here is a brief description of Awakening. Send me an email at art4thehomeless@clear.net if you wish for a copy! August 28, 2005: Hurricane Katrina is on the way and Anais Beaulieu, trained assassin for her wealthy adoptive mob family, finally gets to escape after learning the truth of their involvement in her family’s gruesome murders and has fled to Atlanta to start anew. Anais receives an inheritance from an aunt who she just meets: a mysterious ring that is being sought after by international terrorists who are a part of The Order of Olympus, an ancient enemy of Atlantis—and enemies of the descendants of Atlantis. Anne is continually stalked by the number 111 and a white panther who takes her back in time. Anne is surrounded by new friends, including a pair of wealthy twins: Louk and Guen Shelumiyel, descendants of the last king of Atlantis and members of the Order of Olympus who claim they want to protect Anne and even possess the twin to Anne’s ring—only after Anne bleeds on it and it changes color to reveal in golden script: 111. Anne has previously met Louk at a Mardi Gras ball back in February. Dogged by death and attempts on her own life, Anne and her new trusted friends are committed to finding out the truth about Anne’s own ancient lineage and the reason why people want her dead.
Egyptian Ankh Cross with Tree Agate and a small Rhodonite bead is still for sale in my shop. It's only $15!
This lovely piece I wrapped is a mixture of Malachite and Azurite polished and smoothed to perfection. This stone brings together the wonderful properties of both Malachite and Azurite.
It is also an excellent stone for meditation, allowing you to enter a meditative state easily, as well as enhancing prophesy and divination. Azurite can help control the flow of energy and bring just the right amount of it to any situation.
Azurite enhances creativity, as well as inspiration and intuition. It aids in building confidence as spiritual cleansing. It is quite useful when studying for exams as it helps one to retain information.
Guess what? We have reached our goal of 1000 fans my Artist Page on Facebook! Lydia Hickman is our winner and she will receive this lovely piece of jewelry!